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Many years of professional experience abroad, especially in Asia are the basis for a strong know-how of our employees in particular on cultural differences.

Our team is different and you can personally prepare for your next business trip abroad.

For more information please click on the categories below.

Intercultural Training 1-on-1

Follow-up-Coaching for seminar participants


Coaching target countries

Our individual coaching, we offer a personal business company of an employee in the business to Asia with a coach. As part of our Asia business coaching staff with the individual options for action are developed and demonstrated that he has not already included in its recent policy alternatives.
The international business world in his company is still more diverse than it can cover our 1-2-day training course in many ways.
As a further support of the participants after the conclusion of the seminars and workshops we offer as well our follow-up coaching to "live"conditions in the business world.
Here we care for and train international specialists and managers in daily work "on the job. " With our support, the knowledge acquired in training to be implemented on your individual requirements from practice.
Individual coaching or training-on-the-job, we offer the following target countries:
• China
• Japan
• Korea
• India
• Germany